Tuesday, February 3, 2015

General Hospital: Ava was just hanging around

Image Captured from GH YT Channel episode aired 2-3-15
 So Ava was just hanging around today!!  Okay, that was kind of mean but Karma can be quite painful and it really came back to bite Ava in the butt today.  So she is in a car accident, gets out of that with some cuts and scrapes, then Carlos grabs her, shoots her, she falls backwards over the bridge and manages to hang on until Sonny get there!
Image Captured from GH YT Channel episode aired 2-3-15
Sonny makes her apologize for killing Connie and then tries to pull her up.  By this time she is too weak and apparently to heavy and slippery for Sonny to save her. 

Image Captured from GH YT Channel episode aired 2-3-15
Ava slips from Sonny's grasp and I have to admit, I felt bad for her.  Its been a really bad LAST year for Ava Jerome. 
Image Captured from GH YT Channel episode aired 2-3-15
 Somehow Julian who has been shot, is bleeding profusely from his leg is able to make it to the bridge. He tells Sonny to go on and save their sons and then he starts calling out to his sister.  There is love in that mobsters heart.  

1 comment:

  1. Marvin the Martian voice: where's the earth shattering boom? Haunted Star explodes?


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