Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Young and the Restless: Can Sharon hold it together?

She lost her daughter in the custody battle.  She went to the grave to speak to the only person whom she feels never betrayed her (Cassie.) and cries at her graveside.  She goes home to an empty house and starts remembering and then destroying photos in hopes of removing the memories.  Is that what she was doing or had she STOPPED taking her meds again?
Image captured from Y&R YouTube Channel from episode that aired 2-6-15

She was just about to burn the photos of her love of her life and her children when Nick called to tell her that Faith needed her.  She immediately stopped what she was doing, dug in her purse for her meds and popped a pill.  That was our first clue that she had not taken her meds when she was supposed to take them or there would be no need to cram a pill into her mouth now.
Image captured from Y&R YouTube Channel from episode that aired 2-6-15

She composed herself and headed over to Nicks.  Aren’t they all on the same property on the Newman Ranch?  Has she lost custody of her child and yet her child’s new home can be seen by through any window in her house 

To see the episode in its entirety,

Okay, so officially being told that you have to answer to someone else about what goes on with your kid sucks but lets look at it this way, there were several things that could have been investigated legally, (the swapping of DNA & Phyllis’s fall down those stairs and the burning down of the Newman Ranch,) that could have made Sharon’s life much more difficult.
Take your meds, do your one year and enjoy each visit with your kid.  Take a 6 week vacation to a place you have never been and by the time you get back, there will only be 10 months left to go on this one year…  A lot can happen in one year.  It gives Nick a whole year to mess up or both of you a whole year to shape up.
Do what’s right for you kid, both of you and learn to get along and share her but STOP giving this kid mixed messages about your relationship status. 

We’re never getting married, we’re getting married, we’re getting married in 2 weeks, we’re not getting married on Halloween, we are NEVER getting married.  Get some family counseling and take a parenting course for crying loud.  Why did the Judge not order this?

No wonder the kid is full of issues. 

I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my blogs.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here.

Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. 
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Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this blog is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this blog hosting site.   


  1. Sharon is and has always been a nut , she is crazy , she is looney , just plain nuts , lock her up and toss the key

    1. people forget how many mental issues sharon has had, the kleptomania and need to steal things she didnt even need... the promiscuity where she had to sleep with men to feel secure/wanted.. then the bi polar she has spent many trips at the looney bin

  2. Here goes again - seem to be having difficulty posting to this blog ~

    Such harsh comments being posted to this blog about Sharon - calling her 'crazy', 'nut' , 'looney' - is that what you would call someone in your own family that does not act the norm, how can you be so certain that mental illness does not exist in your own family? So sad to easily pass judgment on the mentally ill. Even if this is just a show.

    A lot of the characteristics of Sharon in this show are of the norm for someone with Bipolar disorder and/or a mental illness. Why can we just not accept it as that and learn and be educated by it. Promiscuity is also another characteristic of a mental illness... You say she has spent many trips to the 'looney bin' or do you mean to a 'mental health facility' . What is it that you people have a problem with a mental health facility - heaven forbid that you should ever end up in one!

    You ask me if I take offend to these commend. Dare I say that I do!!

    Yes I LOVE reading this blog. BUT in all honesty, I feel that the owner of this blog should be more precarious about screening the choice of words being used to describe characters and that they are not too offensive!!! Just one persons opinion!


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