Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Days of our Lives – This week shows why they got an Emmy

Image captured from Days viewed 4-28-15
LGS is really enjoying Days of our Lives.  We miss EJ and Sami but the rest of the cast is doing a good job keeping things lively while they are gone.  There are so many things to discuss this week because so many things are going on but we can really only discuss one thing at a time because we are only allowed so much space per blog. 
Image captured from Days viewed 4-28-15

Let’s talk about Kristen because that is the front burner story right now with all the action taking place somewhere in Italy.  The writers very cleverly got all the key players to another country where it actually makes sense that this could happen. 

Kristen was leaving the castle today so she didn't have to be around when Clint killed Brady.  How considerate of her.  She really has lost her mind.  The thing that bothers me about this story-line is that in order for a woman to be able to carry another woman’s baby, her body would have had to have been given hormones for weeks to prepare it for a pregnancy.  None of that was done in this case so I wish the writers would have done better research there. 
Image captured from Days viewed 4-28-15

LGS still says there are 2 babies but they are obviously not ready to unveil the 2nd one, yet. 

Melanie the hero gets Brady his child but if Kristen has her way, they will both be dead.  Her plan is to keep Theresa alive just long enough to harvest bone marrow. 

Kristen sort of let’s Brady say goodbye to his son, she forces some kisses on him and orders his death.  She tries to leave and runs right smack into Marlena who thought she was going to see John and Paul. 

 Melanie is still tied up in the dungeon and the doctor has put Theresa on the floor in the baby’s nursery.  The baby starts crying and the crying brings Theresa out of her drugged up state.  Finally a mother and child reunion. 

This baby may possibly be a preemie and it is definitely a newborn.  They were trying to be very realistic in this story-line. 

Our Special project
Before I go I wanted to share my special project with you.  If you have a minute, please read, this little boy will pull at your heartstrings. 

Super Storm Sandy didn’t just change lives up North.  The aftermath of that storm caused a huge branch to snap in the playground of a day care where this precious little 2 year old boy was playing.  That little boy’s name is Tripp Halstead.  That branch caused traumatic brain injury as it literally crushed a large section of Tripp’s skull which damaged his brain. 

The doctors really didn’t think he would survive but he did.  After 6 months, and to date, 16 surgeries, this little boy is now 4 years old and growing, trying to talk, smiling and moving his arms and legs.  He is featured in my new book, “The Traveling Jalapeno’s Meet Tripp Halstead,” which will be available on Amazon soon.  I have written a song that offers hope and inspiration that where there is life, there can be a miracle.  Tripp inspired the song and it is called, “The Little Boy That Could – Tripp’s Song.”  That song is being released on iTunes on April 28, 2015.  1/2 the proceeds from downloads are being donated to Tripp for his nursing care that insurance does not cover.  Help us get this song to #1 on iTunes next week when it is released by downloading it immediately.  For a sneak peek/listen to the song, see the YouTube promo. 

I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my blogs.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here.

Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook

Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this blog is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this blog hosting site.   

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