Thursday, April 30, 2015

Young and Restless – What is up with Victoria?

Image captured from Y&R episode aired 4-30-15
What is happening to the character of Victoria?  Look, we always knew she took after Victor more than her brother Nicholas (don’t even get us started on him) but when did she develop such hard feelings and hatred for Ashley?  Seriously, did we miss something terrible that Ashley did to Victoria, a reason why she seems to have it out for her? 
Image captured from Y&R episode aired 4-30-15

As far as the viewer knows, Victoria does not know that Ashley slept with Stitch, or does she?  Why is Victoria so ruthless when it comes to Ashley?  Victoria is really acting like an old shrew.  All she is missing is the tight bun with a pencil through it. 

Victoria then proceeds to basically tell Sage that she needs to step away from Nick.  Now, while Sage did need to step away from Nick while he works out these problems with his emotionally disturbed child, Victoria had no right tell her brother's girlfriend that she needs to do the right thing and walk away.  The look on the face of Sage was priceless.  
Image captured from Y&R episode aired 4-30-15

LGS also wants to talk about how she had to have this new baby and she is never and we mean NEVER with this child or any of her children.  

Then the state takes Faith away from Nick over night and puts the child in the custody of Victoria who lost custody of her own child in a custody fight.  By the way, why has that not tried to get custody of her son whom she sees maybe 4 times a year.  Mother of the year, we think not. 
Image captured from GH preview aired 4-30-15

One has to ask, what would Billy Miller’s Billy think about Victoria’s behavior and how would he set her straight? 
Our special project
Before we go we wanted to share our special project with you.  If you have a minute, please read below.  This is a true story about a little boy who will pull at your heartstrings and shows us all what real courage is about. 

Super Storm Sandy didn’t just change lives up North.  The aftermath of that storm caused a huge branch to snap in the playground of a day care where this precious little 2 year old boy was playing.  That little boy’s name is Tripp Halstead.  That branch caused traumatic brain injury as it literally crushed a large section of Tripp’s skull which damaged his brain. 

The doctors really didn’t think he would survive but he did.  After 6 months, and to date, 16 surgeries, this little boy is now 4 years old and growing, trying to talk, smiling and moving his arms and legs.  He is featured in my new book, “The Traveling Jalapeno’s Meet Tripp Halstead,” which will be available on Amazon soon.  I have written a song that offers hope and inspiration that where there is life, there can be a miracle.  Tripp inspired the song and it is called, “The Little Boy That Could – Tripp’s Song.”  That song has been released on iTunes this week.  1/2 the proceeds from downloads are being donated to Tripp for his nursing care that insurance does not cover.  Help us get this song to #1 on iTunes next week when it is released by downloading it immediately.  For a sneak peek/listen to the song, see the YouTube promo. 

I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my blogs.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here.

Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook

Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this blog is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this blog hosting site.   


  1. Once again, the writers are playing fast and loose with character. Victoria has not been acting like herself since Stitch cheated and her dad took over Jabot. It is such a sharp contrast that I sit and wonder, who s this? When did Victoria ever act this way? The character is being ruined. And then when we watch today, and see Billy's revenge on Chelsea, we ask again, what happened to the Billy we have known and loved for so many years? Writers: study your characters' lives and write for them according to what they would normally say and do. This show is going to pot lately. There are so many chacters that I hardly recognize -- what is the point of spending an hour with them every day?

    1. I think it was so immature and vindictive of Billy for doing what he did to Chelsea today. He has no room to talk,he sure as heck isn't a saint and I wish Gabe would hurry up and tell who he really is and that Billy held him with a gun and hot him and left him to die in a burning car. I was hoping Gabe would step up and tell everyone today when Billy was humiliating her. I think him and Sage may hook up now. Chelsea was wrong doing what she did but Billy could have been more of a man and talked to her in private.

  2. These writers keep getting worse. Victoria acting like this....Victorgoi going to this extreme to take over the company? Kidnapping, faking peoples death, sure he is the one behind Sharon being framed...thats the fingerprints.. probably responsible for afew deaths also. We all kniw he will never go to prison, but this needs to be exposed. Tired of fake Jack acting like a jerk. Cant believe that Phyllis cant tell the dif err ence of who she is sleeping with.


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