Thursday, July 23, 2015

General Hospital: Does Luke go out in a BLAZE OF GLORY

Luke and Tracy say goodbye
The final scene with Luke and Tracy was a real tear jerker.  While many people wanted them to get back together, the character did the right thing by letting him go.  After all, he never made her pancakes and I thought that line was very telling. 

Let’s Get Soapy was thinking her scoundrel ex husband made her pancakes.  So everybody had to be wondering what was in that relic of a safe on the ship?  It looks like it was the keys to his old family home and a gun.  Why does he still have either?  Those things should have been removed from him when he was arrested and sent to Shady Brook. 

Luke opening the safe
They ended yesterday’s effort with us seeing Luke at his families old house with his gun making the statement, when the house goes, so do I and pointing the gun at himself.  Is Luke going to commit suicide or is he planning on being in the house when the city implodes, blows up or bulldozers it down? 

Is Luke considering suicide?
Was there anybody else that thought that the scene with him in the house was just plain stupid?  Is it possible that Luke is still mentally unstable?  Is Fluke still walking with Luke and has it all become too much for Luke to handle?  Does he feel without Tracy life is not worth living?  Is this all just a rouse to make his last 3 days exciting and does Luke simply walk off into the fog leaving him open for some return guest spots?  Will there be a final goodbye between Luke and Laura?  

I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my blogs.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here. 

Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook

Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this blog is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this blog hosting site.   

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