Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Days of our Lives Sonny's goodbye - the mass exodus begins

Sonny says goodbye to Paul
Days of our Lives Sonny’s goodbye was heartfelt and tear filled.  Which was the hardest scene for the viewers? 

We are going to be quite honest.  The only soap Let’s Get Soapy wanted to see today was Days of our Lives because we knew it was Sonny’s goodbye.  It did not disappoint. 

Sonny says goodbye to his parents 
Freddie Smith is a fan favorite and nobody wanted to see him good but is quiet apparent that they are leaving this spot open for the return of Sonny to Salem.    

Sonny says goodbye to Arianna 
Which scene did the viewers find the most touching?  Was it when Sonny was saying goodbye to Paul?  Was it when Sonny was saying goodbye to his parents?  How about when Sonny was saying goodbye to Arianna?  

Sonny says goodbye to Will
Last but not least, did anyone cry when Sonny said goodbye to Will? 

Let’s Get Soapy’s favorite goodbye scene was when Sonny said goodbye to Paul.  That was some great acting by both those actors. 

It was painful to watch him say goodbye to that Arianna as that child has people come in and out of her life and it is scary to think she is being left in the hands of her father Will.  We can’t wait for her killer mother to get out of jail so that little girl can have some normalcy in her life and how pathetic is that? 

So which goodbye did you the viewer feel the most emotional about? 

On a personal note, every chance I get, I get involved in doing something to help people and most especially children.  Please visit my 27 Day Challenge for the Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and consider being one of the people cheering me on.  

I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.
Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here. 
Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook
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Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.    


  1. The most emotional part when he said good bye to Arianna good luck Sonny we going miss you

  2. The most emotional part when he said good bye to Arianna good luck Sonny we going miss you

  3. i am sorry but to me the most emtional part was when he s zid goodbye to ari then to will but ari was the emotional one to me

  4. definately balled my eyes out wen Sonny said goodbye to Ar

  5. You are a biased writer , the hardest thing was to see Sonny say goodbye to Will , Paul is an opportunist who conspired and made Sonny's exit happen

  6. Personally , I thought that all three guys did an excellent job with material which was not written very strong. I wanted to ball my eyes out when Sonny talked to his husband. I wanted my heart to break for them. Instead it seemed over before it even began. Will got a super quick " I am out " He was resigned to the fact that Sonny was leaving and it was pretty much over, even though he said he would make a decision as soon as possible. It was a disjointed conversation. I do not remember him saying he was leaving to think about divorce, or if he was ever coming back. He told Paul, he would be back. As for Paul. He did nothing to provoke Sonny to leaving his husband. He didn't even tell him all the things Will had done. Love is a funny thing. Paul has made his position pretty clear, but he also tried to give Sonny room .How Paul is an opportunist, I do not get. He has family in Salem. His Father , Brother, Nephew and soon his Sister and Niece. Why shouldn't he stay? Paul is a great character. He is kind, compassionate, spunky and he has a bit of an ego, but his intentions are honorable. You can not control who you love, but you can control what you do about it. He has been much more of a friend to Will than vice versa. Now, Will is insecure, and became his own worst enemy. I love Will ( Guy ), but they need to write him stronger, not angry and desperate, no man want's that. I will miss Freddie so much, but unless he is coming back soon. I say recast Sonny.

  7. Tie for me between Sonny/Paul & Sonny/Ari. I did not feel bad for Will because he brought this on by cheating on a man who only wanted to love him and be with him for the rest of his life. To cheat on a man like Sonny is insanely idiotic. I also agree that I feel bad Ari is left with an immature man as a dad. If Gabi is the better of the two how does this predict what kind of life Ari will now have with her bio parents?


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