Friday, August 14, 2015

Young and Restless Freaking WOW Monday spoiler - SERIOUSLY WOW!!!

They are MARRIED!!  
Young and Restless WOW Monday spoiler is pretty interesting.  If you don’t want to know what is going to happen, leave this page immediately. 

So, you’re still here.  Okay, here we go.  This is a pretty exciting spoiler.  First off it is Neil interrupting Hillary and Devon’s wedding and just as everyone thinks’ that he going to blow up their ceremony he ends up congratulating them and giving them his best wishes.  That was a huge surprise for everybody.  He also tells Collin to delete that video and to let it go. Collin deletes the video but Let’s Get Soapy has to wonder if he has another copy somewhere?

And Michael kisses Lauren!!!
Another very sweet moment at the wedding is Michael kisses Lauren. 

Paul asks Dylan if he wants to become a cop?  Sharon overhears it and at first doesn’t like it.  When she and Dylan go home, they have a talk about it and she tells him he has to do what his heart and head tells him he needs to do.  It looks like Dylan is going to be a cop and right in the nick of time because……..

Kevin questions Harding at the cabin and Harding slips up about the location of where Summer was sleeping.  He tries to cover up his mistake but Kevin is on to him.

Marissa and Noah are making out in the park and Jack walks up to them; at least they think it is Jack.  Noah then wants to know how Jack knows Marissa’s name and the would-be Jack makes up a cover story.  When he goes to shake Marissa’s hand, Marissa realizes that it is Marco but she does not tell Noah. 

They go back to the coffee house and tell everyone they saw Jack in the park.  Summer says Jack was supposed to be at the wedding with her mother.  They think it is strange but it is not until Kevin gets back and goes over everything with them that they all start to wonder about Jack. 

Lily and Cains kids want Cain to come home.  It looks like Cain may be softening up a bit. 

Harding realizes that Marco is going to kill Jack so he puts a tail on them.  He then shuts down the Newman Abbott office building and makes Jack and Phyllis leave.  Marco has summoned them there pretending to be Victor.  Harding saves Jack and Phyllis and confronts Marco.  He tells him that many people are getting suspicious of them.  The whole time, Let’s Get Soapy is yelling, get out of their Harding but of course Harding couldn’t hear us.  The CLIFFHANGER of this Monday’s show is Marco turns around and SHOOTS HARDING!! 

CUTEST LINE OF THE DAY, Dylan says to Sharon, do you like handcuffs?   

On a personal note, every chance I get, I get involved in doing something to help people and most especially children.  Please visit my 27 Day Challenge for the Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and consider being one of the people cheering me on.  

I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.
Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here. 
Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook
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Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.    


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