Monday, September 28, 2015


Sami & EJ reunited and it feels so good.  
DAYS OF OUR LIVES SAMI and EJ REUNITED.  Yes, you read that right, SAMI and EJ TOGETHER AGAIN.  EJ is resurrected from the dead and we get to watch as EJ comes home to Sami for ONE NIGHT ONLY to do something very special for a 16 year old refugee and everyone gets to enjoy it. 

EJ rings the doorbell
Click on this YOUTUBE link and go to 15:33 on the time bar to hear about this wheel chair bound 16 year old Syrian refugee and watch the SAMI AND EJ reunion. 

James hash-tagged #ejamiaintoverJ

This is what Allison had to say about it on her Facebook page.  “I'm just proud to be able do this one small thing for ‪#‎Noujain . And will definitely share with you all when I hear her reaction! We're making sure she gets to watch! It was so cool, the crew working on this, we're all so proud & honored to work on this. I'm so grateful to be a part of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver bringing attention to this issue.

Earn cash while watching Days of our Lives

I am always looking for ways to make extra cash.  I am a mother and grandmother of 10 and I need all the spare cash I can get for birthday gifts and surprises for grandkids.  I found a way to make some extra cash that is legitimate and fun and I do it while watching TV.  I take surveys with this company MintVine and they deposit money right into my Paypal account.  If you would like to try it, I can refer you in by you clicking this referral link. 

I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here. 

Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook
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Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.    

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