Saturday, January 2, 2016

Young and Restless OMG SPOILER

Billy dying on a concrete floor
Marisa breaks the news to Noah that he is the one that ran over Billy.
Jill hovers over Billy at the hospital trying to anger him into waking up and proving everyone wrong.  Phyllis is very upset that Jack didn’t give Billy the money.  She blames Jack for Billy being in critical condition. 
Victoria blames Billy for his current situation and the fact that he is fighting for his life in the hospital.  What a heartless piece of work she is. Phyllis blames both Jack and Victoria for Billy.

Nikki is upset at Victor for being at Newman and not at the hospital to support his daughter. Victor proves once again how awful he is which will push Nikki into most likely Neil’s arms. 
Paul grills Marisa about what she knows about Billy’s hit and run. She tells Paul she didn’t see anything. 

Kevin and Mariah are both thinking about their New Year’s kiss but pretend they are not.  Then they discuss Billy. Noah shows up and they all discuss Billy being beaten.
Noah is blindsided when Mariah tells him that he was the one that hit Billy. Noah wants to go to the police but Marisa does not want him to do that. 
Paul wants to know more about Billy’s gambling from Kevin.
Simon wants Ashley to tell her daughter the truth.  At the end of the conversation it looks like Ashley MIGHT tell Abby the truth.
Stitch and Abby are enjoying their moments in paradise.  Ashley calls Abby and tells her about Billy. It looks like Billy has brain swelling and could be paralyzed. Both Ben and Abby know that Billy may die and they head back to GC.
Jill begs her son to LIVE!!
Jill does not want Victor at the hospital outside of Billy’s room. Victor tells Victoria he is investigating to find out who did this to Billy not knowing it was his own grandson. He gets down on Jack for casting Billy out of the family.
Ashley and Simon appear at the hospital. Dr. Shelby wants Dr. Simon Neville out of the hospital.
Noah, and Marisa show up at the hospital and Noah tries to tell Victoria what happened but just then Billy goes into crisis.  Victor tells his grandson to keep his mouth shut about whatever he knows about Billy. 
Dr. Simon Neville reads Billy’s file and realizes that they are not treating him the way he needs to be treated for his life to be saved. 

Start paying off HOLIDAY BILLS
I am always looking for ways to make extra cash.  I am a mother and grandmother of 10 and I need all the spare cash I can get for birthday gifts and surprises for grandkids.  I found a way to make some extra cash that is legitimate and fun and I do it while watching TV.  I take surveys with this company MintVine and they deposit money right into my Paypal account.  If you would like to try it, I can refer you in by you clicking this referral link.
 I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook
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Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.  


  1. I love Billy and want him to live but he is so stupid for gambling once again....Why everyone is angry at Victoria when she obviously love him but it is Billy's fault once again....Victoria is always called heartless when it was billy's fault...Hotheaded, stupid and giving Billy the money was the last thing Billy needed...Everyone bails him out- like he didn't know he was going to be beaten up....they need to go after the bookie

  2. Victor is such a jerk & hypocrite. He was hoping Jack would kick him out of the company, and when Jack does & Billy gets hurt, Victor blames Jack. He's a flipping IDIOT!!! He makes me sick. He deserves to be alone with his work & business, because in all reality, that's all he cares about. And destroying the lives of other's, or blackmailing them into doing what he want's. I think it's time for the OLD FART to RETIRE.


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