Billy & his family |
Not only is that such a sleezy thing for someone of Victoria's breeding and status to do, her boyfriend kicks her to the curb a little while later. Let's talk about Travis for a minute. Who gave him that loan when the writers made sure to let people know he wasn't able to pay his bills.
Now he thinks he is going to buy a sail boat and sail around the world and he really thought that Billy would let his kids get on that tiny boat for 3 to 6 months. They made sure to say that he was going to sell the bar but in all honesty, selling the bar would not get him enough money to buy that boat and set sail worry free. There is more going on with Travis than the viewer thinks.
How about Victor telling Victoria she has a lot left to learn in the company. Let's Get Soapy enjoyed him telling her that because as far as CEO's go, she pretty much sucks egg yolks. She spent more time in Travis's bed than she did behind her Daddy's desk.
Is she now thinking about making her way back to Billy now that her father has knocked her down a few pegs and her boy toy has kissed her goodbye LITERALLY?
Did the viewers find it ironic that her now ex-boyfriend Travis sounded just like Billy telling her that her father was going to destroy her. She knows Victor will but she is going to sit around and let him take her down. Both Nikki and Vicky are rug mats for Victor to wipe his dirty shoes on and at this point, they have kind of earned the mud.
Prediction: Victoria wants her family back just in time for Phyllis to tell Billy she picks him. What will BILLY DO?
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Michael Roark (Travis) was let go as the character, so that good-bye kiss was just that; good-bye. You're right, though. Pratt & his writers have completely demeaned the integrity of every woman on the show. If she's in love, she's a tramp or sleeping with someone other than their mate/significant other. If she's in business, she bitchy & sharp-tongued & ends up needing men to think for her. Pratt hates women, period. Hopefully new writers come along & Young brings back several needed & wanted characters, along with writers who care about character & show history.