Image captured from Y&R episode aired 4-28-15 |
First Michael hides the cancer from Lauren. He finally tells her only when he is forced to and then he puts off treatment. The next trick in his bag is to try and fix his wife up with a married man.
Rather than live with his wife, he opts to make a deal with a Judge that forces him to live with an accused murderer. Does Michael have a death wish? He has shut his brother out and he hasn't even told his mother that he has cancer?
Image captured from Y&R episode aired 4-28-15 |
How had nosy big mouthed Gloria not heard that Michael has cancer? The writer’s better tie up some of these loose ends as this does not feel real. Michael looks like the cancer is killing him. He is passing out, his coloring is terrible and his attitude sucks. Are the writers hiding something from us about Michael’s prognosis? LGS wants to know how you feel about this? What do you think is really going on with Michael?
Image captured from Y&R episode aired 4-28-15 |
My Special project
Before I go I wanted to share my
special project with you. If you have a
minute, please read, this little boy will pull at your heartstrings.
Super Storm Sandy didn’t just
change lives up North. The aftermath of
that storm caused a huge branch to snap in the playground of a day care where
this precious little 2 year old boy was playing. That little boy’s name is Tripp
Halstead. That branch caused traumatic
brain injury as it literally crushed a large section of Tripp’s skull which
damaged his brain.
The doctors really didn’t think he
would survive but he did. After 6
months, and to date, 16 surgeries, this little boy is now 4 years old and
growing, trying to talk, smiling and moving his arms and legs. He is featured in my new book, “The Traveling
Jalapeno’s Meet Tripp Halstead,” which will be available on Amazon soon. I have written a song that offers hope and
inspiration that where there is life, there can be a miracle. Tripp inspired the song and it is called,
“The Little Boy That Could – Tripp’s Song.”
That song is being released on iTunes on April 28, 2015 . 1/2 the proceeds from downloads are being
donated to Tripp for his nursing care that insurance does not cover. Help us get this song to #1 on iTunes next
week when it is released by downloading it immediately. For a sneak peek/listen to the song, see the YouTube promo.
Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here.
Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
Disclaimer: Everything I write in this blog is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this blog hosting site.
I don't think Michael's story is being written in an understandable way. At first I "got" his fear and reluctance to do anything (although the part about losing his manhood didn't seem as convincing), but now he is erratic and strange. Yes, his appearance is terrible, so I keep wondering if he is going to make it after all. What is he thinking? That's what we need to know so we can root for him. We are as confused as he is.