Saturday, November 14, 2015


Kayla discovers BO is dying
So we all know that Bo & Hope are a SUPER COUPLE of DAYS. Did DAYS bring back BO just to kill him off?  

On top of that, the writers have reduced HOPE to some helpless female.  Look, we all know that HOPE has had her share of emotional problems but she has never been a SHRINKING VIOLET.  Yes, she may be having some sort of PTSD but quite frankly she is a COP.  Her reaction to having married what she thinks is a deranged person could be considered over the top.

Chase comforts Hope on her couch!!
With the 50th Anniversary upon them, perhaps the writers thought they had to bring back a fan favorite (BO) but to bring him back just to kill him off is well, JUST PLAIN STUPID.   Here you see a boy who just lost him father comforting Hope.  Shouldn't it be the other way around?  

Aiden and Hope were actually a pretty cute couple and to make him a villain for the purpose of bringing Haskell back temporarily because Haskell has made it clear he doesn't want to stay was in our opinion WRONG.  They could have had BO come back regardless to find Hope happily married.  That would have been some HIGH DRAMA as well with her realizing that BO never really left her but now she has 2 men she loves.  

They could have even had BO DYING and she be with him to the end and Aiden realizing that he had to let her go through this with BO to get closure on their relationship for which she never really had any.  There was no reason to kill off the character of Aiden if they knew all along that HASKELL wasn't staying. 

We here at LET'S GET SOAPY are put off that HOPE has been reduced to some damsel in distress.  She is and has always been much stronger than that.  

What are your feelings about this?  WE realize Peter Haskell is a fan favorite but since he had no intention of staying in the first place, should they have made AIDEN a villain and then killed him off?     

We here at Let's Get Soapy want to take a minute to PRAY for all lives lost in Paris on Friday!!!  Pray for Peace.  

Get a sneak peek at what is happening at Valley View:  If you don't like ROMANCE stay away.  You have been warned.  

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I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles.  I will keep writing as long as you keep reading.  We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here. 
Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps.  Like me on Facebook
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Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.  


  1. Whoa, first of all at leastgetur facts right! The actor is Peter Reckell not Peter HASKELL!!!! Second, ur assuming he didnt want to stay, wrong again! Third, a woman in love who just got married and discovers her. new husband is trying to kill her would be confused, and troubled let alone discovering her x husband is back. If u cant understand Hope's reaction, u dont need to be writing a soap blog.

    1. Peter Reckell didnt wanna stay i got that from a very reliable source

  2. I agree with your point generally but please correct the actor's name as Eileen mentions above. Also, we don't yet know for sure Reckell's contract status and whether or not Bo will die. Though it seems likely at this point, perhaps Dr Dan will save him again. :)

    1. Like I said don't let him die recast him with anybody

    2. Like I said don't let him die recast him with anybody

    3. Yes Bo dies its on Jason47 and i got it from a very reliable source that he will

  3. I'm mad that they killed off Aiden. I was used to Bo being gone and really liked Hiope and Aiden as a couple. I'm not happy they brought Bo back this way, killing off Aiden, only to kill Bo too. IMHO, it was dumb.


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