Is Travis GOOD or BAD? |
The pieces are not fitting here because we all know that Travis bought the bar, then he was having trouble paying bills at the bar. There was a scene where Travis learned his debt was paid in full and he even accused Victoria of paying it after he found out she was a NEWMAN.
He decided to sell everything he owned and bought his boat. First he wanted to sail around the world with Victoria and her children and then he went to sail around the world to forget her.
Is Luca setting up a GUILTY MAN?? |
Here is a GREAT SONG by Little River Band that could have been written for the Victoria/Travis story line.
Get a sneak peek at what is happening at Valley View: If you don’t like ROMANCE and INTRIGUE
this is not the place for you. If
you do like romance and intrigue,
A Grandparents Prayer
This Grandma is
trying to get her daughter and granddaughters moved back to America
from Australia but
it is going to take a miracle and more. You can help by simply clicking this
YouTube link and
watching the Music Video and then sharing it on your own Facebook page.
It won’t cost you a dime and it will only take a few seconds. Share Grandma
and Papa’s prayer.
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Disclaimer: Everything I write in this publication is my
feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this
Perfect song Donna! Dark dreamy Luca type 4 me but I REALLY think Travis is HOT!!