Summer puts a letter opener to her own throat! |
Theresa and Brady look on as Summer threatens to kill herself |
How slimy is Victor and why is Maggie not leaving him. He is a cruel bitter man who Let's Get Soapy is pretty sure hired the kidnapping of Tate to arrange a "Unfit Mother" case against Theresa and cause stress between Brady & Theresa. This kidnapping will also postpone the wedding that Victor does not want to take place. Was it Victor that was blackmailing Summer into kidnapping Tate, probably. He could then get rid of two birds with one stone. Who was the woman that came to Summer's hotel room asking if she had "what she was supposed to give to them?" What would be worth $100,000?
How do the viewers feel about this, do they want more Jen Lilley and less Hope Brady Jennings? The writers have not really touched on the fact that HOPE is actually married to Aiden not the dead impostor that Bo supposedly killed.
Why have the writers not brought that up? It is a pretty key fact, in fact, if Hope were to be dead, that Million Dollar life insurance policy would still be in full force and effect.
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I like and agree with Victor's take on Theresa. He sees her for what she is. He is not thinking with the wrong head - like Brady.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed Summer's scenes. Hate to see her go.
Summer has done nothing to hurt Maggie. Maggie hurt Summer by telling her how she gave her up - yet Summer is sticking around and she is the ONLY one who is trying to help Maggie walk again.
Victor doesn't want her to do anything- and picking on Summer- her child- is hurting her.
Brady isn't doing anything for Maggie-except turning against HER child.
Theresa is too full of herself to do anything for Maggie- except play nice so she will go along with the wedding.
Summer never used a child to hurt anybody- That is Theresa's thing to do. She is the one who threatened to take Tate away and never let Brady see him unless he broke up with the woman he loved and came to her.
Theresa knows she has no hold on Brady except Tate. That is why she is so worried , suddenly about loosing Tate.
She says Summer doped her --HOW? When is Summer ever around her long enough to do it?
Summer was nice enough ( wish now she never did it) to warn Theresa to watch her child carefully- and this is the thanks she gets.
When they came to her today- I would of loved to see her to tell them both to take a flying leap- after how they have treated her.
Theresa is the biggest con there is, she kept Brady doped and drunk to get him to marry her, she tried to kill his father and let him take the blame for it. She used his child to break up his relationship with Melanie.
She threatened to take Tate away and never let him see him unless he did what she wanted.
What right does she have to say one word against Summer!
Maggie needs to keep believing in Summer - cause she will be proven to be right about her. Then when it does comes out- tell the rest of them to take a flying leap out of her life for good.
Family is supposed to mean everything to them- but they feel it OK to attack her daughter - with NO proof !
Maybe they need to check out who had access to Theresa's drinks....the nanny...Theresa.....Brady.....
I hope Victor has nothing to do with this..would be so much better of a story- if whoever it is, is after something totally somebody from Theresa's past who she used and threw away !
Can't wait till Theresa character is gone- there is no redeeming that character...nothing that will ever be believable. Like Victor says - she will never change !
I'll bet it was Kristen who blackmailed/bribed Summer into kidnapping Tate for her. Summer almost told Brady the whole story [even risking going to prison for murder?], but he blew up at her, as would be expected, so she went through with the kidnapping.