Friday, July 22, 2016

Young and Restless WTH were they thinking?

The Kangaroo Court!!  
Let's Get Soapy is asking the writers, "What the hell were you thinking?"  Seriously?  Were they sitting around the table writing and laughing as they wrote the line for Nikki saying, "Victor has a deep respect for the law?"  Victor does not give a damn about the law.  In fact, he believes he is above the law.  

They are saying that he saved Nikki & Phyllis's lives when in fact, he was in custody and broke out of the hospital, had the prison doctor help him get away from the armed guard who was watching him because he was/is a convicted criminal and was supposed to be behind bars.  

Why is nobody taking into consideration that he broke the law when he snuck out of the hospital to go and save Nikki?  It was also his plan to use this heroic act just to score points to try and secure a get out of jail early card.  

For Victoria,Nick and Nikki to stand up and act like he should be let out of jail because they think he has learned his lesson is simply ridiculous.  This writing is real garbage and comes no where near reality.  It should't matter that it is a TV show, there should be some basis of reality attached to what could or couldn't happen in the real world. 

Where is her shirt?  This is a really bad look!
Who let Victoria out of wardrobe without a real shirt under her business jacket?  Has the costume department received a budget cut? 

 Let's Get Soapy is totally disappointed in the writing of The Young and Restless this week. 
Get a sneak peek at what is happening at Valley View:   If you don’t like ROMANCE and INTRIGUE this is not the place for you. If you do like romance and intrigue, ENJOY!!

A Grandparents Prayer
This Grandma is trying to get her daughter and granddaughters moved back to America from Australia but it is going to take a miracle and more.  You can help by simply clicking this YouTube link and watching the Music Video and then sharing it on your ownFacebook page.  It won’t cost you a dime and it will only take a few seconds.  Share Grandma and Papa’s prayer.  

Earn Extra Cash

Are you always looking for ways to make extra cash? Here is a way to make some extra cash that is legitimate and fun and you can do it while watching TV.  You can take surveys with this company MintVine and they will deposit money right into your PayPal account.  If you would like to try it, click this referral link.

SOAP OPERA ORACLE now has a FACEBOOK page.  Like us on Facebook!!

Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of this page and I will respond to you here.

Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years living, loving and writing. Like her on Facebook

Disclaimer:  Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.  


  1. OMG, you are so right! Ridiculous story line - ridiculous writing! I am fast losing all respect for this once stallar soapie!

  2. I laughed when I saw Victoria's AND Phyllis's outfits that day. Phyllis was wearing what looked like a black bustier. I think they were both dressed by Susan Sarandon.



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